Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Long Beach Bound

Coincidentally, this brings me a very valid, yet
completely unrelated point:
Don't pick up hitchhikers. 

Do you really want someone that even
Greyhound Lines deemed
untransportable in your car?

For those of you who are keeping track, the Long Beach Marathon is a mere 165 days away.  Wait, is that right? 165 days?  Well, it’s a good thing the Puma has the will and determination of…uh…well…something that has really strong will and determination…because he also has the attention span of…ooooohhh, shiny!…

(97 minutes later)

And I’m back.  Sorry for the interruption, folks.  We here at Peace With Inches just encountered some…uh…technical difficulties…

Yes, that will cover up nicely.  The nincompoops reading this will never suspect that I was just distracted by a piece of tinfoil.  To tell you the truth, I’m still not convinced the majority of them can read.  I think they’ve just been coming to this site for the bright colors and pretty pictures

What’s that?  I’m typing every thought that comes to my mind, you say?  Crap.  Well, I don’t believe in editing, so just leave it in there.  Maybe we can pass it off as a belated April Fools joke.  Yeah, I bet those gullible suckers would fall for that.  What? I’m still doing it? S#!t! I blame this on lack of adequate supervision.  You know I can’t be trusted with technology.

This is some weather we’ve been having in our respective cities, huh?  Diversion achieved.

Anyways, if my math is correct (it's usually not), the Long Beach Marathon is a little over five months away.  This may seem like a long time to some, but with the ever-growing popularity of endurance racing, runners must commit to these events almost a full year in advance to ensure a spot at the starting line.  While it’s somewhat of a gamble to pay non-refundable entrance fees months in advance, financially committing to the endeavor serves as a yet another motivator on your quest to complete a marathon.

So it's with fresh legs and laser-focus that the Puma begins training in earnest for his next challenge.  If he's going to achieve his ambitious goals, "Vanilla Thunder" (okay, nobody calls me this...yet) is going to need to make the most of all 165 days.  Consider this post an introduction to the journey that lies ahead.  Friday's entry will cover the Puma's training program building towards to the marathon.

Now, for no apparent reason whatsoever, I will get back to the hitchhiking point I made in the caption above.  Seriously, don't pick up hitchhikers, because they are all like this, except less hilarious (though the hitchhiker's [Harland Williams] murderous level is about right):

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