Friday, April 15, 2011

Puma's Illustrated Guide to Cross-Training

Do you love and appreciate the Peace With Inches blog posts, but have a hard time reading all of those confusing words?  Well, fret no more you semi-literate heathen, because today’s entry, which covers the value of cross-training, is dominated by easy to comprehend visual aids!  The pie chart below illustrates this post's ratio of words to pictures, 

...Whoops, wrong pie chart. This is the one I meant to show you:

Cross-training can be a useful tool in the endurance runner’s tool belt.  It’s not as useful as a powerful electric drill or bad-ass hammer, but it's definitely better than that stupid flathead screwdriver nobody ever uses.  First, a runner can keep their exercise routine interesting by adding some variety.  Second, if cross-training is done properly, it can also help a runner avoid injuries.  Biking and swimming are probably the two most common exercises that runners incorporate into their weekly workout routine, but I like to spice things up a bit.  For a thrill-seeking athlete like Puma, pumping his legs on a Big Wheel and splashing around in the water is boring as hell.  Here are a few of my challenging cross-training exercises:

Bear Fighting

He may he smarter than the average bear, but I'm crazier and more violent than the average human.

Shark Punching

Don't feel bad for him.  I'm pretty sure that shark is racist.

Simultaneous Cycling & Weightlifting

You get the gist.
I also like to engage in the occasional knife fight with Chuck Norris (not pictured), but that's just for fun, not sport.

Remember to send your questions to for the upcoming "Puma Solves Your Problems" segment.  So far, the most common questions have been "Who are you?" and "How did you get in here?"

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